Meller’s lab at Technion is developing nanopore-based biosensors capable of sensing individual un-lablled DNA and/or protein molecule. Label-free, single-molecule sensing provide significant advantage for liquid biopsy applications, in terms of sensitivity compactness of sensors and cost of the technology. In Liquid-Bx the lab collaborates with Sensera, Salignostics and Yossifon’s lab to advance our consotsia goals
Liquid Biopsy Vision
We predict that sensing of large range of bio-markers from liquid biopsies will be key for the develiopment of the future diseases screening and diagnostics. Particularily, single molecule techniques such as Nanopores will play a major role in this vision. Our recent review in Nature Nanotechnology descrtibes this vision (Ying, Y.-L. et al. Nanopore-based technologies beyond DNA sequencing. Nat Nanotechnol 1–11 (2022) doi:10.1038/s41565-022-01193-2.)
Activity In The Consortium
Develop new sensing technologies for DNA and proteins biomarkers togather with Sensera and Salignostics, and the Yossifon lab